Our Vision
For maternity and neonatal services in Humber and North Yorkshire to be kind as well as safe for all, by supporting and enabling our teams to consistently provide personalised, supportive and informed care, with empathy, understanding and compassion.
Humber and North Yorkshire Maternity and Neonatal Voices Group is a network of Maternity and Neonatal Voices Partnerships (MNVPs) working together as part of the Humber and North Yorkshire Care Partnership's Local Maternity and Neonatal System (LMNS) to enable everyone accessing maternity care to have your say about changes to maternity and neonatal services across our area.

"We ask people using maternity services to share their experiences and feedback - what was good, what was not good and ideas for change. By sharing this you help shape maternity care in your area."
- Katie Jones, Group MNVP Lead

Why not get involved and
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You can volunteer with us and help make a difference, by sharing your views, ensuring everyone’s voice can be heard and contributing to future developments.