About Us
Maternity and Neonatal Voice Partnerships (MNVPs) are parent-led, independent advisory groups of volunteer service user representatives and professionals who help improve local maternity and neonatal care.
Our service user representatives include people who have recently used local maternity and neonatal services, those with an interest in improving maternity and neonatal care and others who work with pregnant and new parents, for example providing antenatal classes and other support.
The key role of service user representatives is to listen to the views and experiences of women, their partners and families and ensure their feedback is heard and listened to.
Our MNVP Leads are active in their communities and also attend regional events, meetings and workshops, and in July 2024, we were invited to present to the Humber and North Yorkshire's Integrated Care Board's annual conference for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals staff.

The professional members include:
Local authority staff working on public health
Those providing maternity and neonatal care, including midwives, obstetricians and health visitors
Yorkshire and Humber Neonatal Operational Delivery Network (ODN)
We are also supported by:
Local Healthwatch groups
Voluntary and charity groups
Healthcare professionals providing specialist services